Framed Festival
A weekend with BMX, Urban culture and food
About the Framed Festival
The dates of the next World Cup event @Papendal are not known yet. As soon as a new World Cup event is planned, you will find the program on this page.
Get Framed! Right next to the track where the world champions of the Supercross show off their skills, real festival grounds arise. What can you expect? Great music from various artists. Traditional local specialties, smokin’ BBQ and real American burgers from Rolling Kitchens. Enjoy a wide range of special beers from local brewers and last but certainly not least, a spectacular side programme with BMX stunts, a daredevil’s playground for kids and a pump track!
Come and enjoy beer, BBQ, beats and bikes during the Framed Festival @Papendal!
Pay attention: it is not allowed to bring your own food to this event.

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